Reports on Selectboard Meetings in

Georgetown, Maine

About Us

History of the newsletter:

In 2010 Rick Freeman, enlisted the help of his daughter, Alison Lee Freeman, in creating this newsletter. They both remembered the days when local newspapers would send reporters to cover routine town government meetings and Rick had listened to fellow citizens lament the challenges of staying informed. They talked about how larger communities could now watch town meetings on television, but that was not an option in Georgetown, although now Zoom Hybrid meetings make it much easier for people to attend meetings.

Rick Freeman did the reporting while Alison maintained the list and website. When Rick was traveling, either Don Ludgin, or Alison would step in as the reporter. Then Rick Cliffe joined the team and took over the primary reporting and list maintenance responsibilities from 2012 to 2021.

There are currently over 250 people receiving emailed Reports on the Selectboard's Meetings and general information about Town business such as notices of special meetings or hearings.

Georgetown is fortunate to have many residents who understand that active participation in community organizations and local government makes us all good neighbors and outstanding citizens. The professionalism and depth of knowledge displayed by our board and committee members is remarkable.