Reports on

Selectboard Meetings in

Georgetown, Maine

For meeting minutes or agendas please visit the town website:

Please email me with any questions, comments, or requests to subscribe to the list. To unsubscribe, simply follow the instructions at the bottom of the email.

Recordings of Selectboard meetings are available
on the Town’s YouTube channel:


by Alison Freeman on April 12, 2023

1.  I will strive for accuracy and objectivity in compiling these reports

2. These reports will normally be shorter than the Minutes prepared by the Town Administrator. For an official record of the actions taken at these meetings, people should consult the Minutes after they are approved by the Selectboard, normally at their next meeting. The approved Minutes are posted at the Town Office, the Post Office, the Country Store, and on the Town web page:

3. I will focus most attention on matters of policy. I will omit routine administrative matters and reports of correspondence unless they raise issues of special concern or interest

4. From time to time I will also distribute items of general information about Town business such as notices of special meetings, hearings, events, or such things as candidate's night

5. To protect people's privacy and prevent the proliferation of junk e-mail, I will not make this mailing list available to others

6. I am now using Constant Contact to manage the mailing list because it is easier for me and it makes delivery to your inbox more likely. Click here to subscribe to the list. To unsubscribe, simply follow the instructions at the bottom of the email

7. Please email me with any questions or comments

Georgetown & Arrowsic Map